あなたの研究テーマについて教えてください。What is your research theme?

Quantum computers nowadays are promising strong computers that can solve NP-hard problems, their potential applications cover a wide range of topics, including combinatorial optimization, and quantum machine learning to drug testing.
Quantum emulation - my research theme, is a tool to help us understand how quantum computers "work". Because the current generation of quantum computer is fully-noise and hard to reach, the quantum emulation deployed on special hardware like FPGA provide a fast and reliable development envỉroment for quantum researcher. It accelerates the discovery of quantum algorithms in the near future.
なぜ博士課程へ進学しましたか?Why did you decide to pursue a doctoral program?

The doctoral program at NAIST provides me with a perfect environment to continue my unfinished projects. Furthermore, I believe that 3-years of studying in Japan will not only provide me the independent research skills but also train me to work discipline.
Graniteの支援で役立っている・助かっていることを教えてください。Please share what has been helpful or beneficial through the support provided by Granite.
Granite program, firstly, accelerated my research by supporting financial support for conference trips. Moving around Japan is wonderful, I have met many people and found new ideas for projects. Some lecture notes helped me re-think the meaning of being a researcher, "what does society need?" and "How can I conduct it?".
Additionally, the career advising program provides me helpful information for preparing after graduation.
将来の目標、もしくはあなたが胸に秘めた野望があればぜひ教えてください。Please share your future goals or any ambitions you hold close to your heart.
Bringing some valuable, beneficial applications from research works and seeing my results which are recognized by people is always my future goal.
I think this ambition comes from all researchers' hearts.
博士課程進学を考えている人へのメッセージをください。Please share a message for those considering pursuing a doctoral program.

Always curious and passionate about your research theme is the key to a successful doctoral career.
In my opinion, diving deep into the research helps you not only understand the research topic but also yourself and your future.