
Information Science

Granite 情報科学領域

ソフトウェア設計学研究室 博士課程2年Kang Xingyuanさん

あなたの研究テーマについて教えてください。What is your research theme?

My research focuses on enhancing data synchronization between nodes in distributed Software-Defined Network (SDN) environments.
Specifically, I explore the Open Networking Operating System (ONOS) platform to optimize synchronization efficiency and reliability.

My work addresses issues such as latency, consistency, and scalability in distributed networks, aiming to improve the overall performance of SDN systems. These systems are critical for managing high-throughput, large-scale data operations.

なぜ博士課程へ進学しましたか?Why did you decide to pursue a doctoral program?

I decided to pursue a doctoral program because of my passion for solving complex problems and advancing knowledge in networking and distributed systems. During my undergraduate studies, I developed a strong interest in algorithms, logic, and full-stack programming.
My experiences further sparked curiosity about SDN's potential to revolutionize network management.
A doctoral program provides an opportunity to deeply explore these fields and contribute innovative solutions to real-world challenges.

Graniteの支援で役立っている・助かっていることを教えてください。Please share what has been helpful or beneficial through the support provided by Granite.

Granite has been invaluable in providing resources and an academic environment essential for my research.
Access to robust computing infrastructure, collaborative platforms, and mentorship has significantly supported my experiments and allowed me to refine my ideas.

Moreover, Granite's career office has been instrumental in helping me apply for internships, covering transportation costs, and offering guidance on writing resumes and preparing for professional opportunities. This support has fostered a sense of collaboration and continuous learning, enabling me to overcome challenges and achieve research milestones.

将来の目標、もしくはあなたが胸に秘めた野望があればぜひ教えてください。Please share your future goals or any ambitions you hold close to your heart.

My future goal is to become a leading researcher or engineer in the field of distributed systems and network optimization.
I aspire to stay in Japan and contribute to both industry and research institutions, combining my expertise to advance these fields and address global networking challenges.

博士課程進学を考えている人へのメッセージをください。Please share a message for those considering pursuing a doctoral program.

If you are passionate about pushing the boundaries of knowledge, a doctoral program can be one of the most rewarding experiences. It offers the freedom to explore, innovate, and make meaningful contributions to your field. While the journey can be challenging, it is also deeply fulfilling. Resilience, collaboration, and a genuine passion for discovery are key to success.

Consider your decision carefully and make sure to align it with your goals and interests.