
Materials Science

Granite 物質創成科学領域

有機エレクトロニクス研究室 博士課程1年Aian Briones ONTORIAさん

あなたの研究テーマについて教えてください。What is your research theme?

My research focuses on leveraging AI to enhance the fabrication process of organic electronic materials. In particular, I’m studying carbon nanotubes as a thermoelectric material.
Thermoelectric materials work by transforming heat differences directly into electrical energy, making them highly valuable for applications in energy harvesting. In addition to energy harvesting, thermoelectric materials can be used in infrared sensors for non-contact measurements, offering further potential for innovation.

By applying machine learning, I aim to optimize the fabrication process by analyzing and extracting key insights from experimental data collected in our laboratory over the years. This data-driven approach reduces the need for extensive trial-and-error experimentation, saving valuable time and resources while contributing to the advancement of these promising materials.

なぜ博士課程へ進学しましたか?Why did you decide to pursue a doctoral program?

I decided to pursue a doctoral program because I realized during my master's studies that there is still a vast amount of knowledge I need to acquire.
The rise of AI and machine learning presented a need for me to delve deeper into these technologies. Moreover, the alignment between my research interests and the focus of my current laboratory provided a perfect environment to further my expertise.

Additionally, bringing my family from the Philippines to Japan necessitated creating a stable environment where I could focus on my research, which was also a motivating factor for enrolling in the program.

Graniteの支援で役立っている・助かっていることを教えてください。Please share what has been helpful or beneficial through the support provided by Granite.

The Granite scholarship has been an invaluable support for me. It has relieved the financial burden of living expenses and tuition fees, allowing me to focus solely on my research without the immediate need to seek part-time jobs.
This financial stability was especially helpful during the initial adjustment period to the new climate, language, and work environment.

Granite also provides career support and helps enhance the research environment, offering resources that prepare us for future career opportunities.

将来の目標、もしくはあなたが胸に秘めた野望があればぜひ教えてください。Please share your future goals or any ambitions you hold close to your heart.

My future goal is to deepen my understanding of AI and advance its application in various fields. While my current research focuses on organic electronic materials, I aim to extend the use of AI and machine learning to a broader range of disciplines.
I am also considering a career in research or industry in Japan or Europe, with a strong desire to contribute to society through my work. I am committed to leveraging the potential of AI to drive innovation and scientific progress.

博士課程進学を考えている人へのメッセージをください。Please share a message for those considering pursuing a doctoral program.

To those considering pursuing a doctoral program, I emphasize the importance of preparation. Researching the laboratory and supervisor, as well as gaining relevant skills such as data science and programming, are critical for success.
It is also essential to choose a path based on your interests and passions. Understanding the lab culture and ensuring it aligns with your working style can significantly affect your experience.
While a Ph.D. program requires dedication and effort, the rewards and opportunities it brings are invaluable.