

サイバネティクス・リアリティ工学研究室 博士課程2年LIU HUAKUNさん

あなたの研究テーマについて教えてください。What is your research theme?

My research theme is titled “Towards 3D Human Motion and Context Estimation via Wearable Devices.”
As humans, we interact with the world primarily through our bodies. For technologies such as robots, artificial intelligence, and other smart systems to truly collaborate with us as partners, they must perceive and comprehend us. This requires the ability to recognize our movements, understand the context in which these movements occur, and, in some cases, learn to replicate or respond appropriately to our behavior. Achieving this vision needs the development of robust algorithms capable of accurately capturing human motion and behavior in real-world settings..

My research focuses on leveraging wearable devices equipped with advanced sensors to capture, analyze, and estimate detailed human motion and contextual information in unrestricted environments. Specifically, I investigate the potential of incorporating various sensors, such as motion sensors and biopotential sensors, to track detailed human motion. My work also involves developing algorithms that utilize cutting-edge AI techniques to transform raw sensor signals into meaningful representations of human motion and context.

The significance of my research lies in its multidisciplinary nature, integrating knowledge from fields such as biomechanics, machine learning, and sensor technology. This work could contribute to a deeper understanding of human motion, which is fundamental to various domains including healthcare (e.g., rehabilitation support, early detection of mobility disorders), robotics (e.g., enhancing human-robot collaboration), VR/AR (e.g., improving immersion), and human-computer interaction.

なぜ博士課程へ進学しましたか?Why did you decide to pursue a doctoral program?

For me, pursuing a doctoral program felt like a natural decision rather than one driven by specific reasons. I have always had an aspiration to create and explore, and my research experience during my undergraduate years, particularly from the third year onward, was the most fulfilling part of my undergraduate life.
This passion for research carried into my master’s studies at NAIST, where I thoroughly enjoyed the environment, the work, and the opportunities to grow as a researcher. I needed the extended time, resources, and academic freedom that a doctoral program offers.

Continuing as a doctoral student at NAIST felt like the best way to further develop my skills, immerse myself in research, and strive to become a better researcher in an environment where I thrive.

Graniteの支援で役立っている・助かっていることを教えてください。Please share what has been helpful or beneficial through the support provided by Granite.

The financial support has been instrumental in allowing me to access advanced equipment, sensors, and computational resources for my research. Additionally, it has supported my participation in international conferences, where I have gained valuable insights, exchanged ideas with experts, and stayed updated on the latest advancements in my field.

Beyond financial support, Granite has provided opportunities that have enhanced my overall development. For example, the guidance to activities such as transferable skills events and the access to career path development workshops have been immensely valuable. These guidance and opportunities have enriched my academic life, which was previously centered solely on research, and have also prepared me for future career paths by fostering skills that are often overlooked before.

将来の目標、もしくはあなたが胸に秘めた野望があればぜひ教えてください。Please share your future goals or any ambitions you hold close to your heart.

To be a good person and contribute to making the world a better place.

博士課程進学を考えている人へのメッセージをください。Please share a message for those considering pursuing a doctoral program.

A Ph.D journey is often full of uncertainties, setbacks, and moments of failure. Research is not a straightforward path with predefined answers; instead, it’s an iterative process of trial and error, where the “correct” direction often becomes clear only after exploring many dead ends.

For those considering pursuing a doctoral program, I recommend taking the time to explore your motivations deeply. Be sure you are genuinely passionate about your field of study, as that passion, the aspiration of creating, will sustain you through the challenging times.

During this period of consideration, try to talk to current Ph.D students to gain an honest perspective on their experiences. Understand the realities of Ph.D life, including the demanding workload, moments of isolation, and the persistence required to overcome failures. If, after learning about all the realities, you still feel the drive to pursue it, then take the leap and just go for it. It will be an incredibly rewarding and transformative experience.